
Do you have webcams I can use in the library?
Webcams are available to use with the library computers for Proctor U testing during the hours the library is open.

Do I need to call ahead to check out a webcam?
No- just bring your Trociare ID to the library reference desk to have a webcam checked out to you.

How do I set up the webcam?
The webcam plugs into the USB port on the computer.

Is there a time limit for the webcam checkouts?
No- you can have the webcam for the entire time of your test.

What if I need a webcam during a time when the library is closed?
A LIMITED number of webcams are available to take outside the library with the understanding they will be returned the next time the student is on campus.

Arrangements to take a webcam outside the library must be made with library staff.
Call the library 827-2434, email or fill out the Ask a Question form on the library webpage.

Please refer to the Late Item Charges: Reserve Items section of the Library Policies for information on how failure to return webcams or webcams returned late will be addressed.

Your local public library may also have webcam availability. Contact the Trocaire library staff if you need help finding a library near you that has this service available.