Community User Policy


Community Users (CU) are welcome to use the Trocaire College Libraries. CUs are Trocaire College alumni and members of the community who are not current students, faculty or staff at Trocaire College.

Please note that during busy periods, PCs are not available to visitors. Current students and faculty have priority for computers and library materials. The library staff reserves the right to restrict CUs’ access to computers and books during peak student usage times, such as certain hours of the day or times of the year.

To receive a Library Card:

Applicants must present the following to a librarian at the library’s circulation desk:

The librarian will copy the ID and date the copy. These copies will be filed in the library’s system. A library card with a barcode will be issued. The individual’s name, street and e-mail addresses, and phone number will be added to the catalog system. The card can then be used to check out materials from the library.

To receive a Network User ID:

CUs must obtain a library card before they can receive a Network User ID. Once the library card is issued, a “Request for Network Identity” form must be completed which must be authenticated by a librarian. The form will then be given to the CU, who will visit the Information Technology Office where a username and password will be issued for computer access on campus.


Alumni – $0.00 for library card and network ID

Non-alumni – $15.00 — Cash only. We cannot accept checks or credit cards.


June 1st to May 31st of the calendar year. CU status may be renewed, if the account is in good standing.


Any problems with the Network User ID are the responsibility of the user. If there are issues, call the IT Helpdesk at (716) 827-4330 or visit the IT Office in Room 360 for assistance.

Notices for overdue materials will be sent to the registrant’s e-mail account. Failure to return borrowed items in a timely manner may result in forfeiture of CU status.

Printing is free for CUs as of June 18, 2014, but this can change at any time. Excessive amounts of printing may result in the revocation of library privileges.

Off-site or remote access to the Trocaire network and library databases is not included in this agreement.

***CU library cards and Network User IDs are privileges, not rights. Any CU, including alumni, found to be in violation of the Borrower’s Responsibility Policy ( or Technology – Acceptable Use Policy (handed out to user with the original form) will have their privileges revoked.***

Spring Semester Library Hours





