Database Access | Computer Use | Ethical Guidelines | Consequences of Violations

Charging Station Policy

Trocaire College will make available a variety of technological resources to support learning and enhance instruction. Our goal is to provide access to diverse, state of the art technological tools to facilitate resource sharing, innovation and communication. The users (students, instructors, administrators, staff, community users or alumni) of these tools take on certain responsibilities, including the use of technology in an ethical manner.

All users must also follow Trocaire College’s Technology Use Policy.

Database Access

Access to leased databases is restricted to those with a valid Trocaire College username and password. Databases are accessible from both on and off campus. Community users, including alumni, only have access to databases while on campus.


Computer Use

Usage is limited to academic research. Anyone using Library PCs for other purposes will be asked to shut down the computer and move to a computer lab.

For more information, see the Ethical Guidelines.


Ethical Guidelines for Acceptable Use of Computers and Computer Networks

We encourage students to use the computers and technology available at Trocaire; however, with these privileges comes responsibility. Consequences for violating the ethical guidelines are stated below.

Users at Trocaire are Expected to:

Provide a valid Trocaire ID.
Respect the privacy of others.
Users will keep their passwords confidential.
Users will not try to learn passwords of either users or network administrators.
Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to networked or stand alone systems.
Users will not modify or read files of other individuals; however, it should be noted that system administrators have access to all files. Privacy shall not be assumed in this case.

Respect Copyright Law and Licenses Granted to Programs

Users will not make copies of licensed programs, in violation of copyright laws.
Users will not install their own software on Trocaire Computers without authorization.
Respect the integrity of every computer and of the Trocaire College Network and the other networks to which we are connected.
Users will not intentionally develop or use programs to harass others or infiltrate a computing system or damage or alter software components or network.
Users will not intentionally send inappropriate, obscene or hateful messages or mail to others.
Users will not copy or modify server or network system files.
Users will not abuse computer or network hardware (i.e. mice, keyboards, etc.).
Users will not use encryption programs on Trocaire computers without authorization.

Respect the academic focus of Trocaire College computers and technology

Users will not play games on college computers.
Users will not use the College’s computer resources for non-academic activities when others require the system for academic purposes.
Users will properly utilize the computer time and will not waste limited resources and supplies that are provided by Trocaire College.
Users will work in ways that will not disturb others.

Respect the material and resources of Internet accounts.

Users will not send or receive offensive material over the Internet.
Users will not use obscene, offensive, harassing, insulting or otherwise abusive language over the Internet or on e-mail.
Users will not violate copyright laws.
Users will not trespass in another users’ folders, work or files.
Users will not use telecommunications for anything other than educational purposes.
Users will not employ the network for commercial purposes.


Trocaire College Consequences of Violations

All violations or suspected violations of acceptable use will be communicated to the Administration. Users found to be in violation of acceptable use will be denied technology access to appropriate college equipment.

Possible actions include the following:
A user may be banned from access to specific technology or facilities for a period of time.
A user may be required to make full financial restitution (i.e. pay for damages).
A user may lose Internet privileges.
Users could face prosecution if criminal activity is involved.


Charging Station Policy

For the convenience of Trocaire students, faculty and staff, a charging station is available in the library for:
Cell phones
Apple watches
Power banks

Please read the following carefully. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions do not use the phone charging stations.

Use of this charging station is subject to the following general conditions of use that apply to you and all users of this device. By using the station you agree to the terms and conditions as outlined below:

  1. I am currently a student, faculty, or staff member at Trocaire College.
  2. I will not place any other item besides a mobile device that this charging station was intended for in this charging station.
  3. I will not attempt to charge a defective, broken, or out of order mobile device in this charging station.
  4. I understand that I use this charging station at my own risk and will not hold Trocaire College responsible for any damage, loss, misuse, or theft to any devices placed in this charging station.
  5. I will not hold Trocaire College responsible for a device that fails to charge for any reason, including due to connection to the incorrect cable, power outage, or technical or mechanical failure of the charging station.
  6. I take full responsibility for any/all devices I place in this station.
  7. The Library staff has the right to remove any device from the charging station at any time for any reason.
  8. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of any damages that I cause to this charging station.


Spring Semester Library Hours





