Collections: Trocaire College Archives

Collecting over 50 years oF Trocaire College history, The Trocaire College Archives has been given the responsibility of preserving and making accessible the historical college records that support the College’s administration, teaching, research and services.

Catherine hall-1971

Mission Statement

The Trocaire College Archives was established in 1989 to collect and preserve materials documenting the history, organization, policies and activities of the College. The Archives include non-current materials from the founding of the school in 1958, as Sancta Maria College, up to the present time.

The purpose of the Archives is to:

  • Acquire and preserve documents of enduring value related to Trocaire College.
  • Arrange and describe records in accordance with archival standards.
  • Provide a secure repository for records that have administrative, legal and historical value.
  • Provide administrative support to members of the Trocaire community.
  • Make records available for scholarly and historical research.

All members of the Trocaire community: administrators, staff, faculty, students, alumni and interested members of the public are welcome to make use of the collections.

Collection Overview

The collection consists of the following:

  • General College: This collection encompasses Trocaire’s history and connection to the Sisters of Mercy. Materials include newspaper and magazine articles, awards received by personnel and students and events that encompass areas such as cultural, social and anniversary celebrations.
  • College Records: Holdings include Board of Trustees Records, Administration Records, General Academic Records, College Programs and Departmental Affairs.
  • Student Services and Affairs: Included within this collection are records of student clubs, student publications (including yearbooks) and student activities such as convocations, commencement and student government.
  • Photographs: Virtually every aspect of Trocaire operations, history, staff, students, buildings including the original Mt. Mercy Convent Building and campus activities are imaged from 1958 to present in these holdings.
  • Media: Despite its small size, the audiovisual collection features slides and VHS productions of concerts, receptions and graduations, along with promotional material.
  • Memorabilia: Included within this collection are such diverse items as pennants, trophies, pins, glassware and proclamations.

Use & Lending Policy

Archives access is available to Trocaire faculty, staff and enrolled students as well as alumni and public researchers. Requests can be made via email to the Library, by phone at 716-827-2434, or in person.

As the Archives’ staff hours are limited, appointments are advised and encouraged.

REPRODUCTION: Requests for reproduction (scanning or photocopying) will be considered if it can be done without injury to the material and does not violate copyright restrictions.

Reproductions are made available solely for the private study, scholarship or research use of the applicant, who agrees not to transfer copies to others, further reproduce them or publish any part of them without written permission of the Trocaire College Library.


  • Materials are not to be removed from the collection.
  • Some archival material has access restrictions for reasons of confidentiality or condition.
  • For the protection of its collections, the Archives also reserves the right to restrict the use of records which are unprocessed, records of exceptional value and fragile records.
  • Material may be borrowed by administrators or faculty at the discretion of the Library. Records of all materials borrowed are kept with the date borrowed and date returned.

Contact or Visit the Archives

The Trocaire College Archives are housed in the Rachel R. Savarino Library. Contact the archives to arrange your visit. Requests and inquiries can be made to: email: [email protected] Telephone: 716-827-2434 As the Archives’ staff hours are limited, appointments are advised and encouraged.

January 2025 Library Hours

January 2 – January 17
Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

January 20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)

Regular Semester Hours Resume January 21