
Note: To access databases available only to Trocaire College members from off-campus, you will need to log in using your email username and password. Databases marked as OPEN are freely accessible.

Credo Reference
An excellent place to begin your research on an unfamiliar topic.

eBook Clinical Collection from EBSCO
This eBook collection was built specifically to support clinical professionals, researchers, and students of medical disciplines.

eBooks from EBSCOhost
Over 4,000 eBooks in science, medicine, technology and liberal arts. In addition to new books, this database contains NetLibrary titles.

Hathi Trust (OPEN)
Hathi Trust is a digital library with over 15 million full-text searchable volumes, over 7 million of which are in the public domain and are fully accessible.

Health Reference Series Online
Each volume is comprised of a wide variety of articles from authoritative sources to inform and educate readers about a disease or disorder, giving comprehensive information needed to understand a particular medical condition.

Internet Archive (OPEN)
The Internet Archive offers freely downloadable books and texts. The collection has over 5.2 million eBooks. Over 2 million can be borrowed with a free archive.org account. You may read the books online in your browser or, in some cases, download them into Adobe Digital Editions.

Project Gutenberg (OPEN)
A collection of over 600,000 eBooks that are copyright free in the United States. Here you will find many classic titles in literature and other genres. You are able to download many titles in various formats.

R2 Digital Library
R2 Digital Library is an eBook platform featuring a comprehensive collection of eBooks for allied health, health informatics, surgical technology, radiologic technology, massage, and nursing. You can create an individual login (top right corner of login page) to save your bookmarks, citations, references, and images. View this short video on using R2 Digital Library.

Salem Press Reference Books Online
Salem Press offers a number of great reference books online in Health, History, Science and Literary Criticism.

Spring Semester Library Hours





