Interlibrary Loan & AcademicShare

If you need assistance in locating a journal article or book contact the library.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Details

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a system that allows faculty, students and staff to request materials not available at the Trocaire College Libraries from other sharing libraries.

If the item is a book, the lending library determines the loan period for materials borrowed through ILL. If you wish to renew an ILL book, contact the Trocaire College Libraries before it is due. Renewing items is dependent upon the lending library’s policies. Borrowers will be responsible for the cost of a lost or damaged item. This service may take up to 7-10 days for the item to be delivered to Trocaire College.

If the item requested is a journal article, either a PDF or a web link will be sent to your Trocaire email. Links do expire. Please check the date of expiration.


AcademicSHARE is another avenue for students and faculty to borrow materials from other libraries. Use this service when you need an item quickly and you are willing to visit the lending library. Contact Trocaire College Libraries to determine which participating library owns the materials. Simply present your valid Trocaire College ID at the circulation desk of the participating library. That library may choose to call the Trocaire College Libraries to confirm that you are current student or faculty member in good standing. Renewing items is dependent upon the lending library’s policies. Borrowers will be responsible for the cost of a lost or damaged item.

A list of participating libraries and further explanation of guidelines can be found through WNYLRC.


Request a Book

Fill out this form to request a book through Interlibrary Loan.

Book Request

Request a Journal Article

Fill out this form to request a journal article through Interlibrary Loan.

Regular Library Hours

Mondays – Thursdays- 8am – 8pm

Fridays – 8am – 5pm