Library Catalog | Research Help | Databases |

Library Catalog

How to I find out if the library has a certain book, DVD, or eBook for my research?

To find a certain book, eBook or DVD, search our library catalog. You can search by title, author, keyword and more.

If you can’t find the item you need, there are still ways to find it!
Interlibrary Loan
eBook Databases to find eBooks.
Contact a librarian for more help.

Research Help

I have to do a paper/assignment/presentation for my class. I need help.

You have several ways that you can get the information you need. You can always contact a librarian, make an appointment with a librarian or visit in person. Librarians are always available to help students, faculty and staff members.

What should I use to start my paper/project?

Resources by subject is a great place to start your research. Pages and guides are available for all subjects taught at Trocaire College.



How do I use the databases from home?

When you are off-campus use your Trocaire network username and password, even if you are using Moodle.

If you are working during normal library hours, a librarian may be able to assist you.


Where can I get an article the library doesn’t have in full-text?

The Trocaire College Libraries can work to get you a full-text copy of an article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
Make sure you have the necessary citation information, such as article title, author, journal title, etc.


I found an article using Google/Google Scholar, but I don’t want to pay for it! Can the libraries help?

Yes! The article may be available through the databases at the Trocaire College Libraries. You can access these databases on campus or at home.

If the article is not available through our databases, a librarian will work to find it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

If you’re having trouble finding an article, contact a librarian.


What is a database and how is it different from Google?

This question has many answers. In short, Google can offer you thousands and thousands of possible answers to your research questions, but you must evaluate each of them to make sure you are using accurate, trustworthy and authoritative information. To access a scholarly article through Google, you often have to pay for the information!

Using databases from the Trocaire College Libraries relieves you of the worry. Most databases have an option to filter for scholarly or peer-reviewed articles, so that the authority and trustworthiness of resources are largely guaranteed. Through the Trocaire College Libraries, there’s no payment necessary for our resources.


My instructor said I have to use scholarly or peer-reviewed articles. How do I find these?

Find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles through the databases available from the Trocaire College Libraries.

Most databases, such as EBSCO, ProQuest and Gale, have search features that can limit your search results to scholarly or peer-reviewed articles only. Look for a check box in the advanced search areas or on the right or left side of the screen after doing an initial search.

To find more tips and information about databases try our Ultimate Library Guide List and use our Database Guides.

If you’re having trouble finding an article, contact a librarian.


Spring Semester Library Hours





