Find the answers to your questions about our library.

When is the library open? Are there group study rooms?


Can I take out a book and how long can I keep it? Do you have my textbook?

Library Collection

How do I start my research? Can someone help me? What’s a database?


How do I format and cite resources for a research paper? Can the librarians proofread/edit my paper?


Does the library have computers I can use? Can I use the WiFi? How much can I print?


I am having trouble with the Library’s website, I can’t access the databases from home.


Where are the libraries located? Hours? I need to get to a 4th floor office.


I heard the library has webcams that can be checked out for Proctor U testing. How does that work?

Regular Library Hours

Mondays – Thursdays- 8am – 8pm

Fridays – 8am – 5pm